What Is Your Favorite Snack?

What This Project is About

When I took ICS 211 in the Spring of 2021 we needed to create 4 different classes, Snack, Snack Exception, Snack Extension, and the Vending Machine. With these classes it would allow the user to enter data which would be save to an array. The snack class was used to create and validate objects that would be entered in by the user. For the Snack Exception class this was created to notify the user that an invalid input was entered. The Snack Exception class is an extension to the Snack class which will allow a message to be printed out to the user. Lastly, for the Vending Machine class a menu would appear where the user would be able to choose from either adding a snack, removing a snack, printing all the snacks in the array, or showing snacks over a certain price.

My Involvement

This was an individual project that was used to test our different skills we learned in the class thus far. This project was manageable because we needed to create one class every week to add on to the project.

What I Learned

This project not only taught me about programming different classes, but time management as well. If one class was not finished we would not be able to move onto the next class. Also by the end of the month we needed to make sure all 4 classes were running properly in order for the vending machine class to work properly.